What is SIBO?

Normally, bacteria are found in the trillions in the LARGE INTESTINE, where they perform various symbiotic functions for the human body.
SIBO is a condition where bacterial overgrowth occurs in the absorptive area of the body the SMALL INTESTINE.
SIBO is the leading cause of IBS.
SIBO is a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine that causes hydrogen, methane and/or hydrogen sulphide gas production. These gases cause the symptoms of IBS but also damage the intestinal wall.
Practitioners across the nation are familiar with the frequent presentation of IBS in their clients.
IBS can have several causes— food sensitivities, dysbiosis of the large intestine, lack of digestive enzymes or hydrochloric acid, stress. All can cause digestive complaints that are often indistinguishable from one another.
SIBO is actually a very common undiagnosed cause of IBS (up to 84%) and thus shares some of the same presenting symptoms with IBS—Gas/bloating, diarrhoea/constipation, and abdominal cramping.
Retrieved at https://sibotest.com/pages/what-is-sibo is SIBO?
Q & A
Q: I have gone from doctor to doctor wanting a diagnosis for my gut condition. They look at me as if I am a “basket case” and there is something mentally wrong with me. While they finally label my condition as IBS, they do not prescribe any gut medication, but rather an anti-depressant. I am angry, frustrated and feel belittled. I suggest to them that my condition could be SIBO, as I have researched my symptoms extensively, but they say it is not proven or there is no such condition. Is that true?
A: While the symptoms of SIBO are real and there appears to be a correlation between high intestinal bacterial overgrowth and gut symptoms such as bloatedness, and between antibiotics and reduced symptoms, there are several reasons why this condition is not taken seriously.
Firstly, there is no universally recognised parameters for the diagnosis of SIBO. The goal post of what designates an overgrowth is constantly changing. There also does not appear to be any strong correlation in the level of gases observed from a test, and the severity of symptoms.
Furthermore, it is wrong to regard this as a primary condition as many practitioners do, and that a simple treatment of antibiotics or antimicrobial herbs, will cure it. SIBO is actually secondary to many underlying conditions, whether that be structural, functional, physiological or due to medication or an autoimmune condition etc. If these underlying reasons are not uncovered and addressed, the symptoms will continue, or if treating with antibiotics or antimicrobial herbs, will recur. One should not treat SIBO in isolation. As this is not widely recognised by mainstream medicine, treatment will be unsuccessful. Accordingly, this leads to a majority of health practitioners believing that the symptoms should be attributed to a psychological issue.
I think differently!! I have seen enough patients that recover really well from the right treatment. If this was all in their heads, they would all still be sick, because I, on the whole, don’t treat them psychologically.
“I found Celia through sibotest.com, as I knew practitioners from this website are highly qualified, certified and experienced. I have been dealing with gut issues for around 4 years, and like many others, have been to a countless amount of doctors. Before working with Naturopath Solutions, I honestly felt hopeless and like something was wrong with me. I felt like a failure and run down by seeing so many doctors. I saw little improvement despite spending so much time and money on my health. No doctor has treated me with the same amount of kindness, compassion, honesty and enthusiasm as Celia. She is truely the only doctor I have worked with that makes me feel like an actual human and that my health complications are valid, but able to be fixed. Coming from myself who can be quite stubborn, I know the feeling of weighing up whether you should work with a particular doctor and if they hold the qualities as a person that I value. I can hands down say that Celia is the most genuine and intelligent person I have ever come across and worked with. Reading her qualifications alone impressed me enough to contact her. She has an amazing ability to use honesty and empowerment together, and for the first time in a LONG time I feel like my health is improving! My treatment is not straight Украина #161700734 , Класна футболка adidas розмір s , Женские кроссовки adidas asweego / 41.5f / 26cm — цена 1380 грн в каталоге Кроссовки ✓ Купить женские вещи по доступной цене на Шафе forward or easy but Celia has made me feel informed and ready to heal rather than intimidated. I can whole heartedly say that she is hands down the most informative and attentive air jordan 1 high skyline naturopath I have ever met. She is also teaching me the importance of balance (without her realising it), and outside of our sessions I have noticed a big improvement with my mental health and approach to life. Overall, I’m glad I followed my intuition to work with Celia. Best decision I ever made!”
T.Crystal, Toorak,