Q: Is there any way that I can be healed of my IBS condition with just medication and no dietary changes? I really love my food and I don’t know that I can easily give up my favourite foods.
A: I can’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to do. My job is to see that you get better. You are going to spend your hard-earned money on consultations and supplements. If you really do not want to change what you are eating, then I most probably can’t help you. The Western Diet that most people eat is responsible for so many metabolic and inflammatory conditions. You have the choice to go the way you are going now, and most probably develop one chronic condition after another, and over time, reduce your quality of life, or you can start eating foods that are right for your genes and your unique constitution, and have the hope of improving your health now and in the future.
I’m so happy to have found Celia. I was struggling with some digestive issues and very painful periods and these have improved greatly. My main issue was my periods, which have gone from pain level 10 to level 1 (it’s not really pain now, just a bit of discomfort). My digestive issues are mostly gone too. Celia shows great knowledge on what she does and is happy to explain the concepts for you to understand. I 100% recommend her services to anyone looking for a natural approach to heal their body.
Carla P-M Caulfield North