For centuries medical practitioners in many cultures have used flowers for their therapeutic properties. In the 28th century BC Emperor Shen Nung, (considered the father of Chinese herbal medicine) wrote about the health benefits of a dendrobium species of orchid in “The Herbal,” the earliest Chinese text concerning the use of herbs for medicinal purposes. (He also wrote about the medicinal properties of cannabis.) Today in China, orchids continue adidas triple cq2472 shoes black friday coupon to be used for their therapeutic qualities, and are believed to be useful in treating cancer, strengthening the immune system, and improving eyesight.
On this continent, Native American medicine men developed a medicine “wheel” that shows the unique benefits of plants. More recently, in the 1930s in England, Edward Bach, developed 38 flower remedies. Each remedy is the essence of a different wildflower and targets a specific emotional state.
Flower essences, or flower remedies, are infusions made from the flowering part of a plant. The process of sun steeping, or boiling the flower in water, captures the energy imprint of the flower. So, unlike essential oils or herbal remedies, which contain physical substances extracted from plants, there is no physical part of the flower in a flower essence, only its healing vibration. And, every flower has a different healing quality.
Flower essences offer a wonderful way to heal and grow because they act as catalysts for change at a deep emotional level. The positive changes that can occur from using flower essences include ir jordan 4 tour yellow 200 feeling more confident and creative, experiencing more joy, being more forgiving, forging better relationships, having more clarity and focus, and even cultivating a deeper connection to your Higher Self.
When you use a flower essence you are connecting on a spiritual level with nature and your guides. So don’t be surprised if you start to gain clarity about your life’s purpose while using flower essences.
How Do Flower Essences Work?
Unlike pharmaceuticals, which suppress symptoms, flower essences work by the principle of resonance in the subtle body where imbalance starts. In other words, the action of flower essences is energetic, not biochemical. All plants have a unique vibrational energy pattern, and the flower is the pinnacle of this energy. Sometimes flower essences work immediately; other times you may feel the effects unfold over days or weeks, layer by layer.
Research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology shows a clear interrelationship between physical illness, stress and emotional outlook. While flower essences don’t address specific physical ailments, such as asthma or cancer, they work on an energetic level to address the underlying emotions, release unwanted patterns, and attract what is right for you.
When you use flower essences, anything that doesn’t match the vibration of a chosen essence simply goes away. For example, if you are experiencing fear and anxiety and you use a flower essence with a calming or joyful vibration, your awareness of that calm and joyful feeling is raised, and the feeling of fear (which is a lower vibration) dissipates. This is also how homeopathic remedies work.
Are Flower Essences Safe?
Flower essences are very safe and can be used by anyone, even children and animals. Essences compliment every healing modality. True flower essences have no fragrance, dye, flavor or preservatives so there is nothing in them you can react negatively to, or that could interfere with medicines or herbs you are taking. All pure flower essences are neutral in nature and subtle in effect. If you happen to choose an essence that is not appropriate, it will simply have no effect. So there is no risk in choosing the wrong one.
Now, as gentle as they are, flower essences can bring buried emotions to the surface. So, on rare occasions you may feel uncomfortable before you feel better. But, this does not mean the essences aren’t working. In fact, the opposite is true. Those emotions are coming up to be released and that means you are allowing yourself to heal at a deep level.
How You Can Use Flower Essences to Heal
There are so many ways you can use flower essences both internally and externally. The most common way to take a flower essence is to place a few drops under your tongue several times per day. You can also add several drops to pure water and sip throughout the day.
Here are some other ways you can use flower essences:
Apply to acupuncture points or chakras.
Put several drops in your bath.
Use as a spray or mist. (This is great for young children and even around your house.)
Dab them on minor cuts and scrapes
Put a few drops in beauty products, shampoos, massage oils, and lotions.
Rub them on your hands when giving healing treatments such as Reiki or massage.
Add to other herbal tinctures to augment the benefits.
Put in your food. (When you do this, think of a theme, such as “clarity” and then add drops of a clarity essence to your food for a period of time when you need to experience greater clarity.)
There is really no wrong way to use flower essences. Just use your imagination.
The most wonderful thing about flower essences is their ability to promote healing on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels, which then helps to create more health and harmony in your physical body.
Here are some additional resources that you may like:
Flower Evolution by Katie Hess
Flower Therapy: Welcome the Angels of Nature into Your Life by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, N.D.
Flower Therapy Oracle Cards A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, N.D.