The Functional Health Report
The Functional Health Report is the result of a detailed algorithmic analysis of your blood test results. Our analytical and interpretive software analyzes the blood test data for its hidden meaning and reveals the subtle, web-like patterns hidden within the numbers that signal the first stages of functional change in your body.
The multi-page document will be divided into the following sections:
Functional Body Systems
Accessory Body Systems
Macronutrient Status
Nutritional Deficiencies
Blood Test Results
Blood Test Comparative
Blood Test Results Score
Blood Test History
Out Of Optimal Range Markers
This report provides insight into range of body systems and physiological processes. Furthermore, you can track your results with future tests to see how these systems have improved.
The report will provide insights into the following:
Blood Sugar Regulation
Cardiovascular Risk
Electrolyte Balance
Gastrointestinal Function
Hormone Balance
Liver & Gallbladder Function
Kidney Function
Adrenal & Thyroid Function
Nutritional Deficiencies
Hydration Status
Immune System Function
Oxygen Carrying Capacity
Toxicity & Oxidative Stress
Acid/Base Balance
In closing, Blood testing is no longer simply a part of disease or injury management. It’s a vital component of a comprehensive Functional Medicine work up and plays a vital role in uncovering hidden health trends, comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention.
Q & A
Q: I live overseas. Am I eligible to receive this report and a consultation?
A: Of course. As long as you have an email address and computer/internet access, we can provide you both services, especially the report. I have access to both the Conventional and Standard International ranges. The consultation is conducted via Telehealth. However, I need to emphasise that the monetary amount charged will be in Australian dollars but your credit card statement will be in the currency of the country where you live.