Symptoms of IBS


The signs and symptoms of IBS vary but are usually present for a long time. The most common include: 
  • Abdominal pain and cramps, usually in the lower ir jordan 4 tour yellow 200 half of the abdomen, and often related to passing a bowel movement.
  • Bloating.
  • Changes in appearance of bowel motion i.e. they may be harder or looser than usual.
  • Changes in how often the bowel movements are occurring
  • Excess gas
  • Mucus in your stool (may look whitish).

Q & A

Q: Is it normal to have constipation and then suffer from diarrhoea?  I have never heard that you can have both. It seems strange but really annoying.  Sometimes I am scared to leave my house.
A:  I am sorry that you are suffering these symptoms.  However, I want you to know that it is quite typical for people suffering either IBS or SIBO, that they can experience symptoms of both constipation and diarrhoea.  It is important for you to find some professional assistance that will guide you to minimising or reversing your symptoms.


Well, where do I start. If you’ve found yourself reading this review I can only assume you’re in the same space I was 6 months ago when I found the wonderful Celia Grossman. I was so over being sick, I’d been to five Doctors and Therapists in the previous two years, spent thousands of dollars on tests and still didn’t know why I wasn’t getting better. SIBO, SIFO, Candida, reflux, food intolerances, makeup allergies, the list was long and felt heavy and overwhelming. Enter Celia. As soon as I sat in her office Air Jordan XXX Revealed and the whiteboard came out, I knew I was in the right place. Celia listened, really listened, and took the time to show me and explain what was going on at a molecular level. I’m not going to say I understood it all, but I did feel a bond with Celia and truly believed this is where I was going to get better. Diet, medication, powders, lifestyle changes were prescribed. And I did everything to the letter, I never cheated on my diet and I never missed a vitamin, and I started to feel better. There were ups and downs and setbacks along the way that in the past would have derailed my efforts, but having Celia right there with me, reminding me to trust my body, we will get there. And we did. I’m eating foods I haven’t eaten in years symptom-free and I’m looking forward to the future. Thank you Celia, you really are one-of-a-kind.
Caroline T,
Brighton, Vic. Australia