Women’s Health Issues and Fertility

Sometimes it’s tough being a woman!  But it also can be a beautiful thing when you hold that little bundle in your hands.  I have a passion in helping women with  all their menstrual issues, conception and pregnancy issues.
 With a special interest, passion and expertise in women’s health and natural fertility, I am able to provide proven naturopathic treatment strategies for women’s and men’s hormone and reproductive systems. I treat conditions, such as PCOS, amenorrhea, menstrual issues, and endometriosis 
 I also have incorporated into my practice a unique naturopathic preconception and pregnancy program that is tailored for your specific needs. Together with my ability to provide support, guidance and education, I will assist you and your partner in improving and enhancing fertility, boost conception, and thus optimise the chance of a successful, viable pregnancy outcome. 
Our reproductive and fertility services include:
  • Treating such conditions as PCOS and endometriosis
  • Menstrual health including PMS 
  • Assessing and treating hormonal disorders nike revolution 7 which might lead to menstrual cycle irregularities, period pain, irregular uterine bleeding and thyroid problems.
  • Conceiving and maintaining a viable pregnancy with the above conditions
  • Providing preconception care 
  • Conceiving naturally and maintaining a viable pregnancy after the age of 35
  • Conceiving and maintaining a viable pregnancy after miscarriage and repetitive pregnancy loss
  • Assessing the cause of unexplained infertility and assisting in improving fertility and conception
  • IVF support
  • Assessing and dealing with male fertility issues
If you are interested, click on the button and find out our rates and book an appointment today.