Why I love rebounding
I have to be honest with you. Despite being very committed to eating healthy, up till a few years ago I hated exercise! Indeed, for a long time I mostly abstained from any structured physical activity. However, as I had several chronic health issues, one of them being osteoporosis, and was a strong advocate for improving one’s diet and lifestyle, I knew that I could no longer ignore doing some form of routine exercise. As a result, and with a lot of effort, I finally got the courage to join a gym. I thought if I paid for an annual subscription, it would motivate me to attend regularly. This did work to some extent. I felt that as I had to get my money’s Jordan 1 Metallic Purple – Analysis and More – AIR JORDAN 8 CIGAR & CHAMPAGNE, Sports Illustrated air jordan 5 shoes in white purple worth I needed to attend at least 3-4 times a week. Despite this commitment, I still disliked it. I grudgingly went to the gym, and I gladly left when I finished my session.
Eventually, when even the money was not a strong enough incentive to compel me to go to the gym, I stopped my subscription. I knew I needed to find an exercise that I would enjoy. I also wanted a routine that would be good for my health. So I spent the time researching on the internet until I discovered rebounding. The following is a summary of the health benefits of this type of activity.
30 Benefits of Rebounding for mind, body and overall health.
Rebounding is an effective form of exercise by which the user gains a sense of control and an improved self image
Better mental performance with keener learning processes
Improves coordination between the proprioceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers
Improves balance by improving brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear
Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression by an increase in endorphins.
Aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system
Reduces Blood Pressure when the arterial pressures rise during exertion
Enhances digestion and elimination processes
Encourages blood circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells
Helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio
Protects the joints from the chronic fatigue and impact delivered by exercising on hard surfaces
Promotes tissue repair
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Increases respiration and capacity for breathing
Boosts metabolism and Improves resting metabolic rate; therefore more calories are burned for hours after exercise
Holds off incidence of heart disease by lowering low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increasing high-density lipoprotein (good)
Strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body
Lowers circulating cholesterol and triglycerides levels
Prevents chronic edema/swelling by decrease in the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system
Provides an increased G-force (gravitational load) which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems
Activates pituitary gland which stimulates bones and encourages body growth
Circulates oxygen to the tissues
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Allows for deeper sleep and easier relaxation
Keeps you young by slowing down atrophy in the aging process
Encourages Muscle Performance by causing muscles to perform work in circulating fluids throughout the body to lighten the heart’s load
Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for improving endurance
Aids alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort
Boosts immune system and minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems
Relives Pain from sore neck and back, headaches, and discomfort caused by lack of exercise
Reduces blood pressure by lessening the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity
Rebounding is good for Weight Loss
This should be at the top of the list because meeting a healthy weight goal, and maintaining it, are what most people are striving for. The act of rebounding works every muscle of the body allowing for a true total body workout which improves your muscle-to-fat ratio. It can reduce cellulite (yes, read that again), and burn calories fast. Jumping boosts metabolism and improves resting metabolic rate so you can burn calories long after a workout. It will lower circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels too. Rebounding also enhances digestion and your elimination process which contributes to weight loss.
Interestingly, a study in PLOS One showed that short bursts of interval training to be more advantageous than 50 minutes of continuous exercise. Hence, as consistency is the key to weight loss, and not everyone has time to work out for an hour at a time, short bursts of physical activity on your rebounder throughout the day might be a much better alternative. Just start bouncing and watch the calories burn. What’s even better is that while you are burning those calories, you are also toning your body, boosting your immune system, improving blood flow, increasing oxygenation and building strong muscles and bones. All this without the long tortuous work out! And what’s really great is that you can do all this while you are watching TV or listening to music, talking on the phone or just spacing out. It is an economical, convenient, (you don’t need to go anywhere), safe, fun, easy, versatile and portable program (that does not require any electrical connection), for all ages! (In fact, you might have to fight with your kids and spouse to get rebounding time).
Here are just a few video clips you might enjoy viewing:
Purchasing the right fitness trampoline
When I was convinced it was the way to go I had to then decide which unit I was going to buy. It needed to be a solid construction that would be beneficial for my health and not detrimental to my spine. It was also important that it didn’t break the bank. I spent a lot of time reading through reviews, comparing specifications and prices. There were a few great ones. Some of the best units out there are Bellicon from Germany (considered top of the range), Needak, Cellerciser, Jumpsport and Rebound Air. I really loved the Bellicon because it had bungee bands instead of springs, making it much quieter and more enjoyable to bounce on. However, the price was prohibitive. So I did the next best thing. I bought the Jumpsport that also had the bungee bands, excellent reviews, and most importantly was within my price range. And I have never looked back. I have had it for a few years now, jump on it EVERY day (would you believe it!) and it is still in top condition. Indeed, JumpSport Fitness comes with over 50 patented safety and performance innovations and are warrantied to last a lifetime.
Sometimes, I just take a book and lightly jump, march, or walk, while I am reading. Sometimes I put weights in my hands and do a series of weight bearing exercises for my arms and shoulders while bouncing. Sometimes I lie on it and do abdominal exercises and leg raises. And then sometimes I just go crazy and jump or dance to my heart’s content. Often I do a few minutes of each of the above in one session. I love it. It fits easily into my routine, is versatile, and most of all is not boring. There are also many rebounding exercise videos on the internet that you can follow (including the program provided with the unit). Some of these videos are aerobic, some include high interval intensity training, some are for beginners and some include resistance exercises.
When designing my website I thought it would be cool to introduce this form of exercise to my patients and anyone else who wanted to increase their activity levels. Indeed, many of my patients who come to me for a variety of health complaints as well as weight loss, are mostly sedentary, and dislike structured exercise like I did. If I learned to enjoy exercise, maybe they will too. So after a long struggle I tracked down the distributor for JumpSport fitness trampolines in Australia. They have given me permission to sell their units on my site. Of course, if you are in the States or elsewhere, you need to get in touch with a distributor in your country.
To see some of the models and their prices, click here.
The units will be shipped directly from the distributor to your door. Please note that while the checkout form lists the option of cash on delivery, this will not be available. Shipping will be approximately AUD40.
What to do
If you do decide to buy one of the units listed or another make of mini trampoline, tailor your rebounding sessions to your unique situation. Start at a moderate pace, so you are breathing slightly faster but not uncomfortably. Your feet don’t even need to leave the trampoline, you can just bounce up and down by bending your knees.
To begin with, try rebounding for at least 15 minutes daily for detox support. Try three five-minute sessions throughout the day. For weight loss support, rebound for 15-20 minutes at moderate intensity in one period, at least three times per week. Don’t rebound right after eating or drinking. Once more experienced, you can extend the time of each period, and more frequently throughout the week.
Just be mindful that if you are rebounding for weight loss, the amount of weight you lose, and how quickly you lose it, will depend on several factors i.e the number of calories you take in, how much you burn when you exercise, and consistency. Furthermore, rebounding results vary depending on your body weight.
I hope you decide to get one, and I hope you use it and enjoy your workouts every day like I do.
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