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Most Common Signs and Symptoms. Tick the relevant boxes
Being anxious, shy or fearful or exeriencing inner tension since childhood but hiding these feelings from others
Having bouts of depression or nervous exhaustion
Poor dream recall, stressful or bizarre dreams, or nightmares
Excessive reactions to tranquillisers, barbiturates, alcohol or other drugs, in which a little produces a powerful response
Preferring not to eat breakfast, experiencing light nausea in the morning or being prone to motion sickness
Joints popping, cracking or aching, pain or discomfort between the shoulder blades or cartilage problems
Have white spots or flecks on your fingernails
Disliking protein or having even been a vegetarian or vegan
Being sensitive to bright sunlight or noise
Upper abdominal pain on your seft side under the ribs or, as a child, having a stitch in your side as you ran
Tending to have cold hands or feet
Tend to suffer from anaemia
Having frequent colds or infections, or unexplained chills or fever
Reaching puberty later than normal or having irregular menstruation or PMS
Translucent, pale or fair skin, being the palest in the family, or sun burning easily, now or when younger
For women, belonging to an all-girl family or having look-alike sister
For men, having a mother from an all-girl family or a mother with look-alike sisters, or all the females in the mother's family bearing a strong resemblance to each other
Avoiding stress because it upsets your emotional balance
Tending to become dependent on one person whom you build your life around
Preferring the company of one or two close friends rather than a gathering of friends; becoming more of a loner as you age
Feeling uncomfortable with strangers
Being easily upset internally by criticism
Suffer from frequent mood swings
Being bothered by being seated in the middle of the room in a restaurant
Less common signs and symptoms. Tick the relevant boxes.
Crowded upper front teeth, many cavities or inflamed gums or wearing braces
Bad breath and body odour (or a sweet, fruity odour), especially when ill or stressed
Being prone to acne, eczema, herpes or psoriasis
Reduced amount of head hair, eyebrows or eyelashes, or have prematurely grey hair
Difficulty recalling past events and people in your life
Difficulty recalling what has just been read
Suffer from stretch marks on the skin or poor wound healing
Suffer from poor appetite or poor sense of taste or enjoy spicy food
Tend to carry any excess fat in lower extremities rather than evenly distributed around your body (pear-shaped body)
Feeling stressed by changes in routine, such as travelling or being in new situations
Your face looking swollen when you are under a lot of stress
Cluster headaches or blinding headaches
Have one or more of the following: a psychiatric disorder, schizophrenia, high or low histamine, alcoholism, learning and behavoural disorders, autism or Down's syndrome
Tending to have morning constipation
Tingling sensations or muscle spasms in your legs or arms
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