Our Chronic Inflammatory (Autoimmune and MCAS) Treatment

Here, at Naturopath Solutions, I assess your body as a whole. I try to determine why your body is out of balance and how do we help it regain balance.   To do this, we need to  identify the triggers and underlying causes, and which part of the immune system has become dysfunctional. Our aim is to modulate your immune system, not shut it down. Otherwise, your body will not be able to defend itself against Женская туалетная вода kreasyon creation "кофейный поцелуй", 30 мл — цена 219 грн в каталоге Туалетная вода ✓ Купить товары для красоты и здоровья по доступной цене на Шафе , Украина #165719901 an infection. We assess your diet, food sensitivities and lifestyle, and how this could be causing or impacting your condition. 
There are specific diets that can be suggested that can really help improve symptoms. I can put you on a general elimination diet to rule out antigenic triggers, or an Autoimmune Paleo Diet, which has proved helpful for many.  Additionally, I have the knowledge and experience to trial the Carnivore diet, which has been a game changer for many of my clients, and maybe has been the most effective treatment I have seen to date.  
I also prescribe natural supplements and herbs that will address the overactive immune system, the inflammation, and the nutrient deficiencies that might be a result, or even a trigger, of your condition. Often this requires extensive detective work, trial and error, and lots of patience, but the results are worth it.
With my qualifications and experience in microbiology and biochemistry, and my extensive post-graduate study in genetics and immunology, my practice is focused on finding the right answers for you.
Due to the complexity of conditions such as Autoimmune diseases and  MCAS, and as I don’t think there are enough answers out there in chronic inflammatory diseases, I have also now embarked on an extensive course on Functional Immunology (over 100 hours of powerpoint content), so that I can get a better handle on treating complex issues such as these. 
However, in regard to treatment protocols,  it is important to note that many people suffering these diseases are extremely sensitive to herbs and supplements, which could present a big hurdle in effective treatment.  Consequently, we need to find a way to overcome this. If you are such a sensitive person, it is vital for you  to then realise that recovery will not be instant and might involve a protracted time period.  This is where an effective diet can really help.
Furthermore, for improved outcomes, I suggest that rewiring how your brain is signalling could be extremely effective.  I believe that if you click on the link below, and join the program, together with my treatment, you might actually have a great chance of improving your health:
Initially, you can join the above program for free.
As your condition is complex, I cannot guarantee that I have all the answers for you.  I believe most practitioners would be in the same boat.  However, I would do what it took to improve your quality of life. My middle name is “Determined!.
Sadly, while autoimmune diseases cannot be cured, we can endeavour to lengthen the remission phases, reduce or eliminate symptoms, and drastically nike revolution 7 reduce the relapses.
 Whether I hear from you again, or not, I wish you well in your endeavours to heal any health issues that you might be experiencing and regain your quality of life.


Q: You mentioned above that you may use a Carnivore Diet for treatment.  Is this not a fad diet, and how will eliminating vegetables and fibre improve my health and well-being.  I am too frightened to embark on such a “wacky diet”
A: I understand how you feel, and when I first heard about this diet, especially as a nutritionist, I instantly thought “here we go again. Another fad and people are being sucked in”.  However, due to my own autoimmune conditions, after some contemplation, I decided to embark on it for a few weeks as an experiment.  I could not believe all the positive outcomes.  More energy, less symptoms, better sleep, less or no brain fog, better mood etc.  I was shocked.  Then when I started to put my clients on it, with their permission, nearly every one of them who were suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions called it a game-changer.  In a matter of two weeks they  could already see positive, significant changes that they had never experienced before, with medication, supplements or any other diet.  It is vital to slow the autoimmune progression, and if we have such an effective tool, and we are feeling much healthier, we should try it.
Click here to find more about this diet and my story.