Why “Normal” is not Optimal


Most patients who feel “unwell” will come out “normal” on a blood test. Clinical experience suggests that these people are by no means “normal” and are a far cry from being functionally optimal. They may not yet have progressed to a known disease state but they are what we call dys-functional, i.e. their physiological systems are no longer functioning properly and they are starting to feel un-well.  Indeed, they might be feeling fatigued, irritable, have chronic pain, and gut issues, yet their doctor is saying that everything is fine and it just must mean the individual needs an anti-depressant.  

No, it might not all be in your head.  And the issue is not that the blood test is a poor diagnostic tool, far from it. The issue is that the ranges used on a traditional lab test are based on statistics, and not on whether a certain value represents good health or optimal physiological function. The problem is that “normal” reference ranges usually represent “average” populations rather that the optimal level required to maintain good health. Most “normal” ranges are too broad to adequately detect health problems before they become pathology and are not useful Jill Biden Visits Wisconsin School in a Graphic Dress, Blazer & Heels – Dysongroup News, Officine Generale Pants for detecting the emergence of dysfunction.


Q & A

Q:  Once I am provided with the report, what do I do now?  I am an anxious person, and I will be terrified if there is anything out of range, and I might freeze in the process – not knowing what to do next.  
A:  This is a valid question, and I am so sorry you suffer anxiety.  The beautiful thing about this report is that it provides you with an understanding of your current health status BEFORE anything serious eventuates.    Don’t be frightened because the body will do everything in its power to survive.  It may take a while before you see anything untoward in your blood marker values.  But this is the time to be proactive! 
My recommendation is for you to firstly make an online appointment after you buy the report, so that we can go through the results together and you can get a clearer understanding of what the report is showing, get your questions answered, and get some diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation advice.  My next piece of advice is that you should find a practitioner in your area that you trust that can help you improve your health.  This report will be invaluable to them.  Otherwise, if you reside in Australia, I will be honoured to help you.


 I have seen over 10 professionals for my chronic health issues since 2007 and have spent tens thousands of dollars. During ir jordan 4 tour yellow 200 my healing journey I have also educated myself as best I can on my condition(s). Celia is the first naturopath I’ve met whom has a thorough understanding of the science, genetics, herbs, eastern and western remedies . Her brain is a knowledge base of health data and she is always analysing/researching on what natural remedies will be appropriate for me, given I have such complex health issues. She has a passion for what she does and will go out of her way to help. I trust her. It took me along time to find her.I have been going to Celia for nearly one year and have been very impressed with the results she has achieved with my health.
Vicki, H, Hampton, Victoria