Metabolic Testing


Metabolomic Testing Offers Enhanced Insights into Patient Metabolic Status

The OMX ™ Organic Metabolomics test in Australia by Designs for Health and Diagnostic Solutions ir jordan 4 tour yellow 200 Laboratory evaluates urine metabolites—including organic acids, amino acids, and other key compounds—to assist practitioners in unravelling their patient’s metabolic pathways, revealing their unique Metabolic Signature.

Using a systems-biology approach, OMX assesses biomarkers that go beyond the traditional lists of metabolites. This test enables practitioners to see a patient’s larger health picture by deciphering Hi-tech вібратор vibrator silicone 2*8 white bomba💣 — цена 2247 грн в каталоге Вибраторы ✓ Купить товары для красоты и здоровья по доступной цене на Шафе , Украина #156667046 and connecting perturbations of key metabolic pathways and analytes, allowing for truly personalised therapeutic support.

How Patients Can Benefit from the OMX Metabolomics Test

Understanding an individual’s metabolome allows clinicians to establish a larger picture… 

Combined with their medical history and lifestyle, you can provide support from the bottom up. Ideally, practitioners will use OMX to establish a baseline metabolic signature for healthy patients. The baseline could be used for future comparison if symptoms, disease, or illness occurs.

When Should You Order an OMX?

  • Chronic health issues, despite all the standard
    blood tests come back “normal”
  • Lack of energy, fatigue, and lethargy
  • Mood disorders, depression, anxiety, ADHD,
    brain fog, and focus disturbances
  • Digestive complaints
  • Weight loss resistance
  • Athletes, to determine overtraining,
    poor exercises recovery and GI distress.
  • Post-viral infections
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Evaluating the level of catabolism
    (post-chemo, progressive diabetes, MS)
  • ADD/ADHD and Autism
  • Unexplained health concerns
    where other tests are not detecting anything

OMX Provides Insights Into the Following Areas of Health:

  • Metabolic and macronutrient processing
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Nutritional and vitamin status
  • Level and flow of amino acid
  • Inflammation
  • Ketosis or poor carbohydrate metabolism
  • Detoxification
    (impaired fatty acid metabolism + more)
  • Mood issues (Neurotransmitter metabolism)
  • Oxidative stress
  • Gut concerns (dysbiosis) – complements very
    well prior to a GI-MAP to assess overall health
  • Overall well-being