Metabolic Assessment Form

Metabolic Assessment Form
Category I: Feel that bowels do not empty completely
Category I: Lower abdominal pain relieved by passing stool or gas
Category I: Alternating constipation and diarrhoea
Category I: Diarrhoea
Category I: Constipation
Category I: Hard, dry, or small stool
Category I: Coated tongue or "fuzzy' debris on tongue
Category I: Pass large amount of foul-smelling gas
Category I: More than 3 bowel movements daily
Category I: Use laxatives frequently
Category II: Increasing frequency of food reactions
Category II: Unpredictable food reactions
Category II: Aches, pains, and swelling throughout the body
Category II: Unpredictable abdominal swelling
Category II: Frequent bloating and distention after eating
Category III: Intolerance to smells
Category III: Intolerance to jewellery
Category III: Intolerance to shampoo, lotion, detergents etc
Category III: Multiple smell and chemical sensitivities
Category III: Constant skin outbreaks
Category IV: Excessive belching, burping, or bloating
Category IV: Gas immediately following a meal
Category IV: Offensive breath
Category IV: Difficult bowel movements
Category IV: Sense of fullness during and after meals
Category IV: Difficulty digesting proteins and meats; undigested food found in stools
Category V: Stomach pain, burning, or aching 1-4 hours after eating
Category V: Use of antacids
Category V: Feel hungry an hour or two after eating
Category V: Heartburn when lying down or bending forward
Category V: Temporary relief by using antacids, food, milk, or carbonated beverages
Category V: Digestive problems subside with rest and relaxation
Category V: Heartburn due to spicy foods, chocolate, citrus, peppers, alcohol and caffeine
Category VI: Difficulty digesting roughage and fibre
Category VI: Indigestion and fullness last 2-4 hours after eating
Category VI: Pain, tenderness, soreness on left side under rib cage
Category VI: Excessuve passage of gas
Category VI: Nausea and/or vomiting
Category VI: Stool undigested, foul smelling, mucous like, greasy, or poorly formed
Category VI: Frequent loss of appetite
Category VII: Abdominal distention after consumption of fibre, starches and sugar
Category VII: Abdominal distention after certain probiotic or natural supplements
Category VII: Decreased gastrointenstinal motility, constipation
Category VII: Increased gastrointestinal motility, diarrhoea
Category VII: Alernating constipation and diarrhoea
Category VII: Suspicion of nutritional malabsorption
Category VII: Frequent use of antacid medication
Category VII: Have you been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis, or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Category VIII: Greasy or high-fat foods cause distress
Category VIII: Lower bowel gas and/or bleeding several hours after eating
Category VIII: Bitter metallic taste in mouth, especially in the morning
Category VIII: Burpy, fishy taste after consuming fish oils
Category VIII: Unexplained itchy skin
Category VIII: Yellowish cast to eyes
Category VIII: Stool colour alternates from clay coloured to normal brown
Category VIII: Reddened skin, especially palms
Category VIII: Dry, or flaky skin and/or hair
Category VIII: History of gallbladder attacks or stones
Category VIII: Have you had your gallbladder removed?
Category IX: Acne and unhealthy skin
Category IX: Excessive hair loss
Category IX: Overall sense of bloating
Category IX: Bodily swelling for no reason
Category IX: Hormone imbalances
Category IX: Weight gain
Category IX: Poor bowel function
Category IX: Excessively foul-smelling sweat
Category X: Crave sweets during the day
Category X: Irritable if meals are missed
Category X: Depend on coffee to keep going/get started
Category X: Get light-headed if meals are missed
Category X: Eating relieves fatigue
Category X: Feel shaky, jittery, or have tremours
Category X: Agitated, easily upset, nervous
Category X: Poor memory, forgetful between meals
Category X: Blurred vision
Category XI: Fatigue after meals
Category XI: Crave sweets during the day
Category XI: Eating sweets does not relieve cravings for sugar
Category XI: Must have sweets after meals
Category XI: Waist girth is equal or higher than hip girth
Category XI: Frequent urination
Category XI: Increased thirst and appetite
Category XI: Diffiulty losing weight
Category XII: Cannot stay asleep
Category XII: Crave salt
Category XII: Slow starter in the morning
Category XII: Afternoon fatigue
Category XII: Dizziness when standing up quickly
Category XII: Afternoon headaches
Category XII: Headaches with exertion or stress
Category XII: Weak nails
Category XIII: Cannot fall asleep
Category XIII: Perspire easily
Category XIII: Under a high amount of stress
Category XIII: Weight gain when under stress
Category XIII: Wake up tired even after 6 or more hours of sleep
Category XIII: Excessive perspiration or perspiration with little or no activity
Category XIV: Oedema and swelling in ankles and wrists
Category XIV: Muscle cramping
Category XIV: Poor muscle endurance
Category XIV: Frequent urination
Category XIV: Frequent thirst
Category XIV: Crave salt
Category XIV: Abnormal sweating from minimal activity
Category XIV: Alteration in bowel regularity
Category XIV: Inability to hold breath for long periods
Category XIV: Shallow, rapid breathing
Category XV: Tired/sluggish
Category XV: Feel cold - hands, feet, all over
Category XV: Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly
Category XV: Increase in weight even with low-calorie diet
Category XV: Gain weight easily
Category XV: Difficult, infrequent bowel movements
Category XV: Depression/ lack of motivation
Category XV: Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
Category XV: Outer third of eyebrow thins
Category XV: Thinning of hair on scalp, face, or genitals, or excessive hair loss
Category XV: Dryness of skin and/or scalp
Category XV: Mental sluggishness
Category XVI: Heart palpitations
Category XVI: Inward trembling
Category XVI: Increased pulse even at rest
Category XVI: Nervous and emotional
Category XVI: Insomnia
Category XVI: Night sweats
Category XVI: Difficulty gaining weight
Category XVII: Urination difficulty and dribbling
Category XVII: Frequent urination
Category XVII: Pain inside of legs and heels
Category XVII: Feeling of incomplete bowel emptying
Category XVII: Leg twitching at night
Category XVIII (Males only): Decreased libido
Category XVIII (Males only): Decreased number of spontaneous morning erections
Category XVIII (Males only): Decreased fullness of erections
Category XVIII (Males only): Difficulty maintaining morning erections
Category XVIII (Males only): Spells of mental fatigue
Category XVIII (Males only): Inability to concentrate
Category XVIII (Males only): Episodes of depression
Category XVIII (Males only): Muscle soreness
Category XVIII (Males only): Decreased physical stamina
Category XVIII (Males only): Unexplained weight gain
Category XVIII (Males only): Increase in fat distribution around chest and hips
Category XVIII (Males only): Sweating attacks
Category XVIII (Males only): More emotional than in the past
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Perimenopausal
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Alternating menstrual cycle lengths
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Extended menstrual cycle (greater than 32 days)
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Shortened menstrual cycle (less tan 24 days)
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Pain and cramping during periods
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Scanty blood flow
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Heavy blood flow
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Breast pain and swelling during menses
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Pelvic pain during menses
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Irritable and depressed during menses
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Acne
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Facial hair growth
Category XIX (Menstruating Females only): Hair loss/thinning
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Hot flashes
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Mental fogginess
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Disinterest in sex
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Mood swings
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Depression
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Painful intercourse
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Shrinking breasts
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Facial hair growth
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Acne
Category XX (Menopausal Females only): Increased vaginal pain, dryness or itching