For more than half a decade we have been led to believe that red meat is bad for you and the saturated fats are huge risk factors for cardiovascular disease? But how come metabolic diseases are on the rise and they were virtually unheard of in the past when red meat was a staple?
It might surprise you that in reality, the body needs healthy fats, such as saturated fats, to function properly. The key is to avoid eating any fats together with the carbohydrates as the latter will preferentially be used for energy, leaving any excess fat to be stored.
Indeed, there are studies showing that we have been wrong for years and there is no real correlation or association nike revolution 7 with saturated fat intake and heart disease. And for that matter. there is also no recent good studies that can positively link saturated fat with cancer.
Our bodies are fundamentally made of saturated fats and protein. This is what we need to provide our bodies to heal and form new tissue. We absolutely do not need seed oils that are foreign to us. If the body has no choice, it will use these seed oils for our membranes, hormones etc, but with negative consequences.
Also, it is important to note that with an absence of important nutrients from plant foods, such as Vitamin B12, the readily absorbable heme iron, carnitine that helps metabolise fats for energy, and creatine, the energy storage molecule in our muscles, as well as good sources of EPA and DHA, and other nutrients, and no meat in the diet, that vegans can become very unhealthy. This might seem highly controversial, and I apologise to anyone that I have offended, but without these nutrients, you need to either supplement, or eat, at the very least, an omnivore diet to be of optimum Sneakers Draked Viola | Atelier-lumieresShops | Sneakers search engine health. I see this all the time in my clinic.