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Hormone Quiz
Hormone Quiz
As you read through this quiz, check the symptoms that apply to you currently, then total up your symptoms in each
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Category A
I experience bloating or puffiness.
I feel irritable or experience mood swings.
I experience heavy, painful periods.
I have gained weight or have difficulty losing weight,
especially around my hips, butt, and thighs.
I’ve been told I have fibroids.
I sometimes cry over nothing.
I sometimes cry over nothing.
I have brain fog.
I’ve had gallbladder problems or had my gallbladder removed
TOTAL for Category A
Category B
I’m emotionally fragile and/or I feel nostalgic about the past.
I have difficulty with memory.
My periods are fewer than three days.
I struggle with depression, anxiety, or lethargy.
I have night sweats and/or hot flashes.
I’ve had trouble with recurrent bladder infections.
I sometimes have problems with urinary leakage.
I have difficulty sleeping and wake at night.
My breasts are smaller and/or beginning to droop.
I have achy joints or am prone to joint injuries.
My sun-damaged skin is more noticeable.
I am noticing more fine lines and wrinkles.
I have dry or thinning skin.
I have no interest in sex.
I have vaginal dryness or pain with intercourse.
TOTAL for Category B
Category C
I experience PMS seven to ten days before my period.
I get headaches or migraines around my period.
I feel anxious often.
I have painful, heavy, or difficult periods.
My breasts are painful or swollen before my period.
I feel agitated, irritable, or weepy before my period.
I have had a miscarriage in the first trimester.
I experience restless legs, especially at night.
I have had difficulty getting pregnant (after trying for six or more months).
TOTAL for Category C
Category D
I have abnormal hair growth on my face, chest, and/or abdomen.
I have acne.
I have oily skin and/or hair.
I have areas of darker skin (e.g., armpits)
I’ve noticed thinning hair on my head.
I have skin tags.
I struggle with depression and/or anxiety.
I have PCOS.
I have had difficulty getting pregnant (after trying for six or more months).
TOTAL for Category D
Category E
I have a low libido or diminished sex drive.
I struggle with depression, have mood swings, or cry easily.
I have no motivation.
I am tired or fatigued throughout the day or have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.
I’m unable to gain muscle, and I’m losing muscle mass.
I have a decrease in bone density or have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis.
I have urinary incontinence.
I have a loss of sexual fantasies.
I have difficulty or am unable to orgasm.
I have cardiovascular symptoms or heart disease. I’ve had weight gain.
I have anxiety or panic attacks.
TOTAL for Category E
Category F
I feel tired in the morning, even after a full night’s sleep.
I depend on caffeine to get through my day.
My energy crashes in the afternoon.
I crave salty or sweet food.
I’m dizzy when I stand up too quickly.
I feel at the mercy of stress.
I have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
My muscles feel weaker.
I want to take naps most days.
I get sick often and/or have a difficult time getting over infections.
I have low blood sugar issues.
TOTAL for Catefory F
Category G
My life is crazy stressful.
I feel overwhelmed by stress.
I have extra weight around my midsection.
I have difficulty falling or staying asleep.
My body is tired at night, but my mind is going a mile a minute— “wired and tired.”
I get a second wind at night that keeps me from falling asleep.
I wake between 2 and 4 a.m. and can’t go back to sleep.
I feel easily distracted, especially when under stress.
I get angry quickly or just feel on edge.
I have high blood pressure or a fast heart rate.
I have elevated blood sugar or diabetes.
I get shaky if I don’t eat often.
I’m prone to injury and have difficulty healing.
TOTAL for Category G
Category H
I have brain fog or feel like my memory isn’t quite what it used to be.
I’m losing hair (scalp, body, outer third of the eyebrows).
My hair is dry and tangles easily.
I’m constipated often and need a stimulant (like caffeine) to get a bowel movement.
I’m cold and/or have cold hands and feet.
My periods are sporadic or occur more than thirty-five days apart.
I have joint or muscle pain.
I have dry skin.
I have had difficulty getting pregnant (after trying for six or more months) or have had a first trimester miscarriage.
I am in a low mood or struggle with depression.
I’m tired no matter how much I sleep.
I find it difficult to break a sweat.
I have recurrent headaches.
I have high cholesterol.
I have a hoarse voice most days.
TOTAL for Category H
Reprinted from "Beyond the Pill" by Jolene Brighten, NMD
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