If you have read my previous posts and listened to my video clips you will know that I question everything. I like to do my own research and come to my own conclusions about what is good for a certain condition or for the body in general. I generally don’t believe everything that is promoted, especially when it comes to drugs that are manufactured by huge conglomerates with money and power, and a responsibility to their share holders.
One of the reasons I ventured into natural medicine, was because I knew there were answers out there, but I wasn’t sure it was going to come from a pharmaceutical drug with all its side-effects. And over and over again, in my practice, I am saddened by the horrible side effects people have to put up with, and how their condition, even with these drugs, is not really getting better. But, on the other side, I am excited when I see that diet, lifestyle, supplements and herbs can make big inroads in decreasing my patients’ symptoms, a positive difference in their lab results, and an overall increase in their quality of life.
This particular blog is focusing on whether Statins, cholesterol-lowering drugs, have a major effect on lowering the incidence of heart disease, and whether, if there are side effects, the benefits outweigh the risks. So please listen to the video below, speak to your primary care provider, and come to your own conclusions.
If I have made you think, or even if you disagree, let me know in the comments section. Again, this is about making you think and question. I am not advocating going off your medication without you doing your own research and with the agreement of your doctor.