Common Symptoms. A depressive episode can be categorised as being mild, moderate or severe. This can depend on the severity and frequency of symptoms, including the impact on the sufferer’s functioning.
Depressed mood most of the day, with mornings being the worst time
Sad and teary
Angry or irritable
Anxious and restless
Excessive guilt
Lacking in self-worth and confidence
Feelings of disappointment and hopelessness about the future.
Pessimistic and empty.
And may also nike ja 1 scratch experience thoughts about dying or suicidal ideation.
Interestingly, it is not only the mind that is affected, but this mental health condition can produce physical symptoms such as:
Insomnia or excessive sleeping almost every day
Appetite change, with or without weight loss or gain
Feeling of tiredness and lack of energy, as well as feeling run down or sick almost everyday Forgetfulness, poor concentration and indecisive, and
Headaches, muscle pain, digestive issues, joint pain and other aches and pains.