Testing for Suspected SIBO and Gut Issues


1. SIBO Basic: $180.00

Lactulose only. Lactulose breath testing for the diagnosis of SIBO. This test utilizes Lactulose as the test substance. 10 breath samples over 3 hours.

2. SIBO Advanced: $324.99

Lactulose AND Glucose. This test utilizes Lactulose and glucose as the test substances.

3. Comprehensive $410

Lactulose AND Glucose AND Fructose. This test utilizes Lactulose, glucose and fructose as the test substances.

4. ibs-smart™ $349.80

A test that will uncover anti-vinculin autoantibodies that could be interfering with gut motility and producing SIBO symptoms. These autoantibodies can be produced following food poisoning.

5: Microba Test $350.00

This test, unlike the one mentioned above that uses 16S sequencing, uses metagenomic sequencing to identify all the microorganisms in a sample and sequence all of the genes in the microorganisms for their functional potential.  
Until recently, 16S rRNA sequencing was the standard approach used nike revolution 7 to analyse the gut microbiome which sequences the DNA from a single gene common to all bacteria, called the 16S ribosomal gene. Studies that use metagenomic sequencing, an advanced type of DNA sequencing, can look at all the genes within a bacterial species. By sequencing these genes, you can see what unidentified species are capable of, even if the species has not been grown in the lab to be studied. Additionally, this form of sequencing provides greater detection sensitivity.

4.  4-Pillar Gut Profile: $860

This test is a comprehensive test that examines different aspects of gut health such as food sensitivities, the microbiome and gut markers, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and a SIBO breath test. While the price is quite high, it is cheaper than if you ordered the above-mentioned tests separately. Indeed, it is like the intestinal permeability test valued $135 is thrown in. If you can afford it, and would like to know more, this is a valuable test to do.

Q & A:

Q: Do I need to change the way I eat and can I take my supplements before taking the breath test?
A: It is advisable to stop taking your probiotics and any herbal antimicrobial supplements or mixtures one week before taking the breath test, with the exception of a follow-up test after treatment. Laxative, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid supplements should be stopped one day before taking the test.
You will also need to have a special restrictive diet 24 hours prior to testing. This diet is to reduce fermentation so as to provide a clear response to the test substrate.
There are two stages of 12 hour blocks. However, if you have a tendency to suffer from constipation, it is advisable to that you allow 48 hours instead of 24.
The first nike utah kobe shoe zoom black women sandals 12 hours, or 36 hours if you are constipated, consists of a restricted meal plan that will only allow such foods as:
  • Chicken, white fish or turkey (Salt and pepper for seasoning)
  • Plain white rice (Basmati or Jasmine)
    If you are already on a grain free diet, please do not consume rice
  • Hard aged cheese (Parmesan, Pecorino) unless you are sensitive to dairy
  • Eggs
  • Clear meat broth (not bone, no vegetables)
  • Olive oil or coconut oil – 1 tablespoon only,for cooking, per meal
  • Weak black tea or weak black coffee – 1 cupconsumed in the morning – NO herbal teas
• Second 12 hours will be fasting – only water may be consumed.

For more detailed information, click onto “Patient Preparation Guidelines for SIBO Testing” on the SIBO Test website: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/sibotest.com.assets/rich/rich_files/rich_files/205/original/sibo-patientprep-06.pdf?1570087896


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