Gut Health Questionnaire

Gut Health Questionnaire
SECTION A: 1. A sore in your mouth that doesn’t heal
SECTION A: 2 Bleeding or swelling after you floss or brush your teeth
SECTION A: 3 Canker sores or cold sores1. A sore in your mouth that doesn’t heal
SECTION A: 4 Chronic bad breath or sour taste in the mouth
SECTION A:5 Dry mouth / poor salivation
SECTION A: 6 Fissures in your tongue or geographic tongue (red patches)
SECTION A: 7 Loose teeth or receding gums
SECTION A: 8 Pain in tooth or mouth
SECTION A: 9 Periodontal disease
SECTION A: 10 Sensitivity to hot or cold foods
SECTION A: 11 Sores in your mouth
SECTION A: 12 Swelling of the jaw
SECTION A: 13 White patches on your tongue or cheeks
SECTION B: 1 Problems with swallowing or painful swallowing (dysphagia)
SECTION B: 2 Food gets stuck/impacted in esophagus after swallowing
SECTION B: 3 Need to regurgitate or vomit food and/or nausea
SECTION B: 4 GERD medications, such as proton pump inhibitors, don’t help the problem
SECTION B: 5 Chest or abdominal pain with eating
SECTION B: 6 Heartburn or GERD
SECTION C: 1 Burping or bloated right after eating
SECTION C: 2 Feels like food sits in stomach
SECTION C: 3 History of allergies or autoimmune disease
SECTION C: 4 Easily get food poisoning
SECTION C: 5 Stomach upsets easily
SECTION C: 6 History of constipation
SECTION C: 7 Known food allergies
SECTION C: 8 Iron deficiency anemia
SECTION C: 9 Nausea after taking supplements
SECTION C: 10 Undigested food in stool
SECTION C: 11 History of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
SECTION C: 12 Age 75-79 = 1 point, age 80-84 = 2 points, age ≥85 = 3 points
SECTION C: 13 Takes antacids or Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
SECTION C: 14 Pruritis ani (itchy anus)
SECTION D: 1 Sour taste in mouth
SECTION D: 2 Regurgitate undigested food into mouth
SECTION D: 3 Frequent coughing
SECTION D: 4 Burning sensation from citrus in throat
SECTION D: 5 Heartburn
SECTION D: 6 Burping
SECTION D: 7 Difficulty swallowing solids or liquids
SECTION E: 1 Abdominal cramps
SECTION E: 2 Indigestion one to three hours after eating
SECTION E: 3 Fatigue after eating
SECTION E: 4 Lower bowel gas
SECTION E: 5 Alternating constipation & diarrhea
SECTION E: 6 Diarrhea
SECTION E: 7 Roughage & fiber causes constipation
SECTION E: 8 Mucus in stools
SECTION E: 9 Stool poorly formed
SECTION E: 10 Shiny stool
SECTION E: 11 Three or more large bowel movements daily
SECTION E: 12 Dry, flaky skin &/or dry brittle hair
SECTION E: 13 Pain in left side under rib cage or chronic stomach pain
SECTION E: 14 Adult acne
SECTION E: 15 Food allergies
SECTION E: 16 Difficulty gaining weight
SECTION E: 17 Foul-smelling stool
SECTION E: 18 Gallstones/history of gallbladder disease
SECTION E: 19 Undigested food in stool
SECTION E: 20 Nausea
SECTION E: 21 Acid reflux/heartburn
SECTION E: 22 Connective tissue disease: lupus, RA, Sjogren’s
SECTION E: 23 Alcoholism, diabetes, osteoporosis
SECTION F: 1 Stomach pains
SECTION F: 2 Stomach pains before or after meals
SECTION F: 3 Dependency on antacids or PPIs for heartburn/GERD
SECTION F: 4 Chronic abdominal pain
SECTION F: 5 Butterfly sensations in stomach
SECTION F: 6 Burping or bloating
SECTION F: 7 Stomach pain when emotionally upset
SECTION F: 8 Sudden, acute indigestion
SECTION F: 9 Relief of symptoms by carbonated drinks
SECTION F: 10 Relief of stomach pain by drinking cream/milk
SECTION F: 11 History or family history of ulcer or gastritis
SECTION F: 12 Current ulcer
SECTION F: 13 Black stool when not taking iron supplements
SECTION F: 14 Use or previous use of pain medications: aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.
SECTION G: 1 Lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance or sucrose intolerance
SECTION G: 2 Undigested food in your stools
SECTION G: 3 Abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas
SECTION G: 4 Bleeding tendency (vitamin K deficiency)
SECTION G: 5 Can’t gain weight
SECTION G: 6 Fatigue for no obvious reason
SECTION G: 7 Food sensitivities
SECTION G: 8 Transient low blood sugar
SECTION G: 9 Malabsorption issues
SECTION G: 10 Pale or tan colored stools, may be frothy and smell bad
SECTION G: 11 Stools that float
SECTION H: 1 Trouble digesting food with fats and oils
SECTION H: 2 Jaundice or yellow colored whites of eyes
SECTION H: 3 Nausea and vomiting
SECTION H: 4 Feeling queasy after a fatty meal
SECTION H: 5 Feeling of fullness and deferred pain to head, belly, shoulder blades
SECTION H: 6 Have had gallbladder removed or have gallstones
SECTION H: 7 Light or tan colored, frothy stools, smell bad
SECTION H: 8 Diarrhea
SECTION H: 9 Gas and bloating
SECTION H: 10 Low serum albumin levels
SECTION H: 11 Bleeding tendency (vitamin K deficiency)
SECTION H: 12 Less than one bowel movement daily
SECTION H: 13 Itchy skin
SECTION H: 14 Lack of appetite
SECTION H: 15 Dark colored urine
SECTION H: 16 Having a bitter taste or sour taste in your mouth after eating
SECTION H: 17 Water retention in legs and ankles
SECTION H: 18 Big toe painful
SECTION H: 19 Pain radiates along outside of leg
SECTION H: 20 Dry skin/hair
SECTION H: 21 Red blood in stool
SECTION H: 22 Have had jaundice or hepatitis
SECTION H: 23 High blood cholesterol and/or triglycerides
SECTION I: 1 Nausea
SECTION I: 2 Diarrhoea
SECTION I: 3 Abdominal pain or discomfort
SECTION I: 4 Neurological issues including brain fog, depression difficulty focusing or remembering
SECTION I: 5 Rashes or hives
SECTION I: 6 Unexplained fatigue, joint pain or muscle pain
SECTION I: 7 Diagnosed with autoimmune disorder
SECTION I: 8 Digestive issues
SECTION J: 1 Itching, rash, hives or flushing
SECTION J: 2 Itching or tingling in the mouth or on tongue
SECTION J: 3 Swollen lips, face, tongue, throat, etc.
SECTION J: 4 Symptoms come on rapidly after eating
SECTION J: 5 Chronic sinusitis
SECTION J: 6 Nausea and/or abdominal cramping
SECTION J: 7 Diagnosed with allergies: i.e. hay fever, asthma, eczema
SECTION J: 8 Diarrhoea
SECTION J: 9 Dizziness, fainting, lightheaded
SECTION K: 1 Constipation and/or diarrhea
SECTION K: 2 Abdominal pain or bloating
SECTION K: 3 Mucus or blood in stool
SECTION K: 4 Joint pain or swelling, or arthritis
SECTION K: 5 Chronic or frequent fatigue or tiredness
SECTION K: 6 Food allergy or food sensitivities or intolerances
SECTION K: 7 Sinus or nasal congestion
SECTION K: 8 Chronic or frequent inflammations
SECTION K: 9 Eczema, skin rashes, or hives (urticaria)
SECTION K: 10 Asthma, hay fever, or airborne allergies
SECTION K: 11 Confusion, poor memory, or mood swings
SECTION K: 12 Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen)
SECTION K: 13 History of antibiotic use
SECTION K: 14 Alcohol consumption, or alcohol makes you feel sick
SECTION K: 15 Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease
SECTION K: 16 Headaches or migraine headaches
SECTION K: 17 Chronic nasal congestion
SECTION L: 1 Stomach pains
SECTION L: 2 Stomach pains before or after meals
SECTION L: 3 Abdominal bloating and distension, especially with sugar fiber or carbohydrates
SECTION L: 4 Abdominal pain, cramping, mucus or blood in stools
SECTION L: 5 Irritable bowel syndrome
SECTION L: 6 Fibromyalgia
SECTION L: 7 Restless leg syndrome
SECTION L: 8 Interstitial cystitis
SECTION L: 9 Chronic constipation
SECTION L: 10 Intolerance to probiotic supplements
SECTION L: 11 Scored 9 or more on section A
SECTION L: 12 Currently taking antacids or proton pump inhibitors
SECTION L: 13 Fatigue/Low energy
SECTION L: 14 Depression or anxiety
SECTION L: 15 Bad breath
SECTION M: 1 Recurring vaginal, nail, skin or other fungal infections
SECTION M: 2 Diarrhea, constipation or both
SECTION M: 3 Unexplained fatigue and/or brain fog
SECTION M: 4 Depression and/or anxiety
SECTION M: 5 Chronic sinusitis
SECTION M: 6 Itching in vagina, anus, ears, or other mucus membranes
SECTION M: 7 Gas and/or bloating
SECTION M: 8 Diagnosis of autoimmune disease
SECTION M: 9 Skin issues: eczema, psoriasis, hives, rashes
SECTION M: 10 Low blood sugar issues, mood swings
SECTION N: 1 Bloating and/or gas
SECTION N: 2 Constipation and/or diarrhoea
SECTION N: 3 Nausea
SECTION N: 4 Weight trouble
SECTION N: 5 Iron-deficiency anemia
SECTION N: 6 Fatigue
SECTION N: 7 Sleep problems
SECTION N: 8 Depression, anxiety and/or mood swings
SECTION N: 9 Menstrual problems
SECTION N: 10 Infertility
SECTION N: 11 Thyroid problems
SECTION N: 12 Osteoporosis or osteopenia
SECTION N: 13 Headaches and/or migraines
SECTION N: 14 Memory problems
SECTION N: 15 Joint pains or aches
SECTION N: 16 Fibromyalgia
SECTION N: 17 Brain fog
SECTION N: 18 Get infections easily
SECTION N: 19 Arthritis, any type, you or family
SECTION N: 20 Cancer history, you or family
SECTION N: 21 Autoimmune disease, you or family
SECTION N: 22 Celiac disease, you or family
SECTION O: 1 Seasonal or recurring diarrhea
SECTION O: 2 Frequent and recurrent infections (colds)
SECTION O: 3 Bladder and kidney infections
SECTION O: 4 Vaginal yeast infection
SECTION O: 5 Abdominal cramps
SECTION O: 6 Toe and fingernail fungus 7 Alternating diarrhoea/constipation
SECTION O: 7 Alternating diarrhea/constipation
SECTION O: 8 Constipation
SECTION O: 9 History of antibiotic use
SECTION O: 10 Meat eater
SECTION O: 11 Rapidly failing vision
SECTION O: 12 Recurrent stomach pain
SECTION O: 13 Blood or pus in stool
SECTION O: 14 Family history of IBD