LIfestyle Advice
Many people come to see Celia to lose weight and/or to alleviate the symptoms they are suffering as a result of their chronic illness. They are frequently highly stressed, lack energy and are thus constantly fatigued and in some form of discomfort. They feel unmotivated and much older than their years.
The way we live our life is just as crucial as what we eat. When Celia assesses a patient like yourself, it is vital for her to know what type of lifestyle you lead in order to ascertain what is making you unwell and how you tick.
Consequently, her advice does not just cover diet and nutrition. She will ask you questions such as:
- how often you exercise and what sort,
- how much time you spend ourdoors,
- how you deal with stress,
- where you live and the environment you are exposed to ,
- what your support network is like and do you spend quality time with them, and
- what activities do you do for relaxation and fun.
All these aspects of our lives can have direct baring on our health and wellbeing. Celia therefore may advise you n how to improve your fitness level and exercise, sleep hygiene, and how to manage your stress levels. She will encourage you to pursue the activities that you find fun and relaxing, how to detoxify their environment, and when, what and how to eat. Celia also will assist you in setting achievable goals and motivate you along the way.
Celia doesn’t make it a point of selling products on line. But she is so passionate about the benefits of rebounding on a quality mini-trampoline that she has decided to sell different models of JumpSport Fitness Trampolines. These units have the following benefits:
Rebounding is an effective form of exercise by which the user gains a sense nike ja 1 scratch of control and an improved self image
Better mental performance with keener learning processes
Improves coordination between the proprioceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers
Improves balance by improving brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear
Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression by an increase in endorphins.
Aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system
Reduces Blood Pressure when the arterial pressures rise during exertion
Enhances digestion and elimination processes
Encourages blood circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells
Helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio
Protects the joints from the chronic fatigue and impact delivered by exercising on hard surfaces
Promotes tissue repair
Easier on joints than the impact of running.
Increases respiration and capacity for breathing
Boosts metabolism and Improves resting metabolic rate; therefore more calories are burned for hours after exercise
Holds off incidence of heart disease by lowering low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increasing high-density lipoprotein (good)
Strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body
Lowers circulating cholesterol and triglycerides levels
Prevents chronic edema/swelling by decrease in the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system
Provides an increased G-force (gravitational load) which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems
Activates pituitary gland which stimulates bones and encourages body growth
Circulates oxygen to the tissues
Allows for deeper sleep and easier relaxation
Keeps you young by slowing down atrophy in the aging process
Encourages Muscle Performance by causing muscles to perform work in circulating fluids throughout the body to lighten the heart’s load
Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for improving endurance
Aids alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort
Boosts immune system and minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems
Relives Pain from sore neck and back, headaches, and discomfort caused by lack of exercise
Reduces blood pressure by lessening the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity
Rebounding on a mini trampoline is an activity that works every muscle of the body allowing for a true total body workout which improves your muscle-to-fat ratio. It can reduce cellulite (yes, read that again), and burn calories fast. Jumping boosts metabolism and improves resting metabolic rate so you can burn calories long after a workout. It will lower circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels too. Rebounding also enhances digestion and your elimination process which contributes to weight loss.
How much weight you lose and how quickly you lose it depends on the number of calories you take in, how much you burn when you exercise and consistency. Rebounding results vary depending on your body weight.
Interestingly a study in PLOS One showed that short bursts of interval training to be more advantageous than 50 minutes of continuous exercise. Hence, as not everyone has time to work out for an hour at a time, short bursts of physical activity on your rebounder throughout the day might be a much better, more convenient and more enjoyable alternative to going to the gym. Just start bouncing. You will notice that you will be toning your body, boosting your immune system, improving blood flow, increasing oxygenation and building strong muscles and bones. All this without the long tortuous work out! And what’s really great is that you can do all this while you are watching TV or listening to music, talking on the phone or just spacing out. It is an economical, convenient, safe, fun, easy and portable Taylor Swift & Sabrina Carpenter's Height Contrasts at AMAs Go Viral program for all ages! (In fact, you might have to fight with your kids and spouse to get rebounding time).
For more on rebounding, please click here
To see the mini trampolines available for sale, please click here