It has been a while since I posted a blog. As a lone practitioner I often struggle to find time to write blogs, which I really yearn to do. It a challenge, on a day-to-day basis, to deal with all the sections of my business. Besides seeing clients, I also often have to answer emails from clients, update and design my website, design new forms and questionnaires, and go over completed forms that my patients have filled out. Furthermore, I need quite a bit of time to look over functional pathology results and research my clients’ conditions. Additionally, I am constantly ordering supplements and herbs for the dispensary, filling out orders for my clients, reconciling my books, managing consultation bookings, and finding time to upgrade my skills by taking courses and listening to webinars. It is a full-time job, and I am astounded that at my age, I am managing. It must be the diet and supplements I am taking, and the healthy lifestyle that I choose to lead!
There is also another job that I did not mention above, and that is preparing functional blood chemistry analysis reports for my clients and anyone else (in Australia and globally) who would like them. I find blood test results so important that I ask every new patient to supply one. Indeed, it is a requirement contained in the Welcome Pack I send them when they book their initial consultation. This invaluable tool can then be added to the patient’s clinical history and physical examination results, to help me understand their condition better and design a treatment protocol for them. Often the results also steer me to do further investigation, whether that be via research or ordering functional pathology testing.
What is also great about blood tests is that they are relatively Blazers Predicted to Land M Star For Anfernee Simons inexpensive. Usually my patients go to a bulk billing doctor (which we can do in Australia) and go to a bulk billing pathology lab. Often, the only cost is my small charge for the report, and possibly a consultation. Presently, in these trying times, this is all some of my patients can afford. So I am extremely grateful that at the very least I have blood test results to help me figure out what is going on with my patients’ health.
Unfortunately, doctors are only trained to look at the range set by the pathology lab – the so-called “normal range” or pathology range. I much more prefer to see if my patient’s marker values lie within or outside the “optimal range” and to look at the patterns presented by the marker values that might lead me to discover certain underlying physiological disorders. Once identified, we might be able to prevent serious illness in the future.
Because I wanted to know more about each marker I was assessing, and how they relate to each other, as well as how they can point to certain dysfunctions in the body, I decided to embark on an extensive course run by a highly regarded global academy. The practitioner, who designed the course, is the same person who authored the text books I used at university. The course is 12 modules long and involved many hours of study. As I chose to also become certified, I had to do small tests after each module and a 100-question exam at the end, as well as a case study report. There are less than a handful of practitioners in Australia that have become certified.
Finally, I thought it important to add that this report can be emailed to anyone in the world, and the consultation can be conducted nike ja 1 scratch online via Telehealth. However, for longterm care, I suggest that if you reside outside Australia and you require assistance in improving your health, you find a practitioner in your area that you can trust. If you are within Australia, I will be most happy to help you on your journey to recovery.
Below, you will find a video and a link that you can click on, that will provide you with much more information.
If you are someone who feels that there could be something wrong with them, but have so far not received any answers, I would love to assist you in finding out what your blood work is indicating.