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Naturopath Solutions
Natural Solutions for Health & Vitality
Naturopath Solutions is motivated to trouble-shoot, support, educate
and treat your CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY AND MOOD conditions,
to allow you to go forward in your life and realise your purpose.

Heal Yourself with Naturopathy
My name is Celia Grossman, and I am a naturopath and a former microbiologist/biochemist. Naturopathy is a safe and holistic approach to health and wellbeing. With my scientific background spanning nearly 50 years, I seek out to address the underlying causes of disease and piece together the puzzle pieces that make up your condition. I coin myself the “Naturopath Trouble-Shooter,” because I want to understand why you are feeling the way you do and what I can do about it. I also understand that the body has an innate ability to heal itself and that it should be viewed as a whole; as one integrated system, and not a collection of independent organs and individual symptoms.
Here at Naturopath Solutions we use a variety of amazing tools to help you overcome your health issues. Firstly, we assess blood tests and utilise functional pathology testing, to understand your genes, metabolic and hormone health, your mineral and heavy metal composition, and your microbiome, to discover the reasons for your symptoms. Once we have a better understanding of the factors that are contributing to these maladies, we can then prescribe herbs, supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations so that you can adopt a way of living that is unique to you.
Your Balanced, tailored Nutritional Program
Nutritional Medicine looks at how your diet is affecting your overall health as well as your brain health. While you may not realise it, like the rest of the body, the brain has specific nutrient requirements to function well. Without sufficient amount of these nutrients, you will have reduced levels of neurotransmitters (brain messengers) e.g. serotonin , dopamine, noradrenaline (aka norepinephrine) and GABA, which can alter mood, cognition, motivation and clarity etc. You could also suffer from insulin resistance and inflammation in the brain, affecting cognition and causing brain fog.
I assess the quality of the food you are currently eating, its preparation, and the balance of macro- and micro-nutrients. Furthermore, owing to my extensive studying in the area, and access to sophisticated genetic testing, I am able to ascertain if you have genetic variants air jordan 1 high skyline in the genes that interfere with digesting carbohydrates and fats adequately, as well as absorbing or synthesising certain key vitamins and nutrients. I can also get tested with a Hair Mineral Analysis test and get very specific dietary recommendations based on your mineral imbalances and metabolic rate.
There are several alternatives, such as:
- the Mediterranean diet,
- my scientifically based “Be-The-Real-U” (B-TRU) program that is a keto or carnivore diet designed to be anti-inflammatory,
- the Autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP). and
- a SIBO diet that can be effective against small intestinal overgrowth.
- The Slow Oxidation Diet, the Fast Oxidation Diet and the Low Fours Diet from the results of the HTMA test.
- I also promote the Carnivore diet for select candidates as I have found it extremely beneficial for people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases, including the brain, and autoimmune diseases.
I provide you with the necessary skills, dietary advice and nutritional supplements to transform your brain health, as well as your overall health and weight. When assessing your health, I will take into account your uniqueness, stage in life, genes and lifestyle, as well as your possible self-limiting thoughts and mindset, and current circumstances, in order to provide a nutritional plan that is tailor-made for you.
The Reason Why
- How you live your life (lifestyle) can have benefits or ramifications to how your brain and body function. There are many factors that can affect your brain, general health, and wellbeing, including:
- . your diet
. your fitness levels
. your environment - . your sleep
- . your location
. toxic exposure
. infections
. your support network, and
Start focusing on your well-being today!r
About Celia
With nearly 5 decades of experience in health, and two degrees focusing on microbiology, biochemistry and physiology, Celia is in a primed position to assess your current health conditions, including chronic inflammatory conditions and mental health issues. She can help you uncover the reasons for why you are feeling the way you do, and with this information, she can then provide you with well thought out steps to set you on the path of recovery.

Services and Testing
The following services are vital if we are going to assess your gut, mental health, and chronic inflammatory conditions, and to discover the root cause of these health issues. We have several services, listed below, that can assist us in this endeavour:

Do you want to get to the bottom of what is going on in your body? Do you want to know what my three favourite tests are?
I believe it is vitally important to assess your general health and explore what could be the underlying cause of your health issues.
The best place to start, I believe, is with a comprehensive clinical history, a blood test report and a Hair Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. They will give me so many clues for what is happening in your body currently, or the last three months for the HTMA, at a very reasonable price. I have trained extensively in both these tests, being only one of two practitioners in Australia that is certified with a global and well-recognised academy in blood test analysis. This extensive study and thousands of dollars in courses, has given me the expertise to analyse these tests comprehensively and look at ratios and patterns between blood markers, or essential minerals, and/or essential minerals with toxic metals.
I just don’t look at highs and lows like most conventional doctors when they look at blood tests. I want to know what is in or out of the optimal range. This allows for getting to the issues before it gets to the pathology range which might be too late.
It is amazing how much you can gage from both these tests. They are a POWER COUPLE!
If you can afford it, my third favourite test for all, is a gene test, where we can see what you inherited from your parents and nurture Cheap Poligo Jordan Outlet , Women's Off - air jordan 1 mid gs black red white - White™ x Air Jordan 4 "Sail" Release those areas that might have a potential of causing health issues now and in the future.
Of course there are other valuable tests, such as the Organic Acids Test, or a hormone test, like a DUTCH test of a microbiome test etc.
But the first three are the most important and can tell us HEAPS! They are invaluable as a means of uncovering any health issues before the damage has set in and hard to reverse.

Information on this website cannot replace consultation from a Health Care Professional. Nor is it intended as medical advice. It is designed to provide information for healthcare and personal development. Individuals should make their own health decisions based on their needs and circumstances. Those who are pregnant, breast feeding, pregnancy planning, taking medications or who have a chronic disease, should consult a Health Care Professional before using interventions, taking herbs or supplements mentioned on this website.